Why Do You Judge Others at the Gym?

Posted: February 20, 2013 in Deep Thoughts
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Go to any commercial gym. You know, that gym around the corner where just about everyone in your family old enough to lift something over their head can go. I know that I am not as strong or as big a body builder or in any way an expert on the subject of fitness, but too often I still find myself looking around at people at the gym and just shaking my head, thinking: “They have no idea what they are doing…“.

Is is pride that causes me to think that I’m doing things better than they are? Yes. Rightfully? Maybe, maybe not. Am I really doing things better or know things better? I don’t know.

Well, let me explain what I am after here.

Many people come to the gyms today merely because of the popularity of working out, young as old. Some of these guys have never set a foot inside a gym before and how in the world are they suppose to know what to do and how to do things?

I have lately been trying to focus more on not caring so much about what everyone else is doing, but rather focus on myself. That way I can keep a higher focus on what I am doing and not build up some kind of false ego that I am better than everyone else. Sounds easy, right? I don’t know if I am the only one guilty of this but I give you guys a challenge to keep this in mind for the next time you workout and not be so judgmental of the others at the gym. Be open and see if you can’t learn something from them instead!

“If you think that you know it all you are not teachable. And if you are not teachable, you will never progress.”

Love one another,

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